2025 Theme
JOHN 17:17
Belief Statement

As followers of Jesus Christ we believe that the Holy Scriptures are our final authority on how we should think and live in these current times. The Holy Scriptures reveal to us the very character and nature of our God. That being said, we believe that it is impossible to understand the current times without first seeking to understand the character and nature of our God. As we grow in the understanding of our God through prayer and careful study of His Holy Scriptures we believe that He will direct us in the righteous paths so that we may operate (witness and make disciples – Matt 28: 18-20) in holiness during these darkest of times.
As followers of Jesus Christ we will give ourselves to effectual fervent prayer, the thorough study of the Holy Scriptures, and frequent fellowship among believers. When faced with opposition from within and without, we will seek to ask ourselves the question, “What is God saying?” Upon hearing from God we will then proceed forward following His plan of instruction. We will avoid as much as possible engaging the world and each other in frivolous conversations and arguments that lead no where but to more arguments. We will operate in this world under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and when the world contradicts His direction we will resist. But our primary goal will be to reach the spiritually lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt 28: 18-20).

Michael G. Cleveland Jr.
First Lady
Audra J. Cleveland
The below scripture (Proverbs 3:5-6) is the mantra for the ministry of Pastor Michael G. Cleveland, Jr. A St. Louis native, growing up in the Walnut Park neighborhood, Pastor Cleveland received the Lord Jesus as his Savior at the age of thirteen...