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Wednesday Night Bible Study (Notes) John 4:18-24 06052024

By July 16, 2024No Comments

Wednesday Night Bible Study (Notes)
John 4:18-24

I. Vs 18-20 Conviction and Deflection
a. Jesus confronts the fruit of our sinful nature ultimately to get to the root, which is our “sinful nature”. Rom 3:23; Gal 5:19-21 In this case: fornication (sex outside boundaries of marriage.
b. The Gospel should not be presented in the absence of our sinful state being addressed and a call to repent. Note:
1. Jesus preached repentance Matt 4:17; Mark 1:15
2. When Peter preached in Acts 2:22-38 he did not overlook addressing the sins of the crowd.
3. Paul also preached repentance Acts 17:30; 20:21
c. When confronted with her sin she moved quickly to shift the conversation away from her predicament. She fell back on her lineage and religion. Her lineage and religion is unable to bring her this living water (salvation). Blood line and religion can not obtain our salvation. John the Baptist backs this up in Matt 3:7-9, and Paul in Rom 2:28

II. Vs 21 No more Temple
a. Jesus said that the temple would soon be destroyed Matt 23:37-24:2

III. Vs 22 Another Exposing
a. The Samaritans worship was perverted and mixed with idol worshiping. 1Kg 12: 25-28.
b. Salvation is of the Jews. Gen 12:3; Acts 2:25-33; 2Sam 7:12

IV. Vs 23-24 True Worshipers
a. God’s intent is the redemption of His man and woman. Luke 19:10 This can only come to past by being born again. Jn 3:5-8


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