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Wednesday Night Bible Study John 4: 31-38 07242024

By July 25, 2024September 11th, 2024No Comments

Wednesday Night Bible Study
John 4: 31-38

I. Vs. 31-33 To Eat or Not to Eat
a. Jesus shows us that there are some things that come before physical food, and that there is a time when food must be forsaken. 1. Preparation for the mission-Jesus in Wilderness (Matt 4:1-11) 2. Clarity-Peter on the roof top (Acts 10:9-16) 3. Direction- Paul and Barnabas sent into ministry 4. Spiritual Authority- casting out demons (Matt 17:14-21)
b. Jesus is our Bread of Life. John 6:35-51

II. Vs. 34-38 Fueled by the Work
a. Jesus’ primary fuel (motivation) was to do the will of the Father who sent Him. (John 17:1-7; John 12:49-50)
b. Understanding the time. Eph 5:15-17
c. The field is the world and the harvest is souls. (Matt 13:38)
d. There are rewards for obedience. (Phil 1:22; 4:17; Mark 10:30; Matt 19:28)
e. We are one in the work. Hebrews 11:39,40


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