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Bible Study Notes

By September 11, 2024No Comments

Jesus (Jehovah Rapha)

John 4:39-54


  1. Vs 39-42 The Word of God
    1. Faith (Salvation) comes primarily through the Word of God (Rom 10:14-16; Jn 6:63-68)
    2. All believers are called to spread the Gospel. (Jn 17:20; Mk 16:15-16; Acts 1:8)
    3. Samaritans believed that Jesus was Messiah based on His Words (Jn 4:41-42)
  2. Vs 43-45 No Honor
    1. Jesus is not given honor in His home country. (Galilee) (Is 53:1-3; Jn 1:11)
    2. He was received but not believed upon. (Luke 4:22; Matt 13:54-58)
  • Vs 46-53 Jesus Healer
    1. Illness touches all (Rich/Poor; Known/Unknown) Vs 46
    2. Jesus rebuke to Israel/ Danger in seeking after a sign to believe (2 Thess 2:9; Matt 24:24; Matt 16:4)
    3. Jesus proves that He is Deity (Son Of God) Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent (Rev 1:11,18; 17:14; 19:11-16)
  1. Answers for Illness
    1. Some reasons Jesus Healed the sick: (Jn 20:30-31; Matt 9: 2-9)
    2. Some reasons for sickness
      1. Original Sin Gen 2:17
      2. Sinning Jn 5:14 1Cor 11:29,30: Ps 51:8
  • Closer Walk/ Understanding God Job 42:1-6
  1. Glorify God Jn 9:3
  2. Comforting Others 2 Cor 12:7-10
  3. Obedience Ps 119: 71

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