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Wednesday Night Bible Study John 4: 25-30 07102024

By July 16, 2024September 11th, 2024No Comments

Wednesday Night Bible Study
John 4: 25-30

I. Vs. 25-26 Anticipation and Fulfillment
a. The anticipation of the Messiah by both Jews and Samaritans comes from Old Testament prophecy. (Duet 18:15; Is 53) This prophecy is confirmed in this scripture and in other New Testament Scriptures as well. (Luke 2:25-32, Acts 3:22) This anticipation was held by the majority of the Jews and some non-Jews alike.
b. There is another anticipation for Christ’s second coming. And this one is foretold in New Testament Scriptures. (I Matt 24:29; 25:31, Luke 21:28, Thess 4:13-18)
c. Jesus plainly (flat out) tells the woman that He is Messiah. His response coincides with the 7 I AM statements in the book of John. They are as follows:
1. Jn 6:35 Bread of Life
2. Jn 8:12 Light of the World
3. Jn 10:9 The Door
4. Jn 10:11,14 Good Shepherd
5. Jn 11:25 The Resurrection and The Life
6. Jn 14:6 The Way The Truth The Life
7. Jn 15: 1,5 The Vine

II. Vs. 27-30
a. Jesus brakes societal norms. He is not placing tradition above the scriptures. Both men and women are included in the plan of salvation. (Mk 7:8; Lk 10:42; Lk 8:1-3)
b. Leaving the waterpot shows us that priority is placed on witnessing over everything else. Jesus has called us to do the same. (Acts 1:8; Rev 12:11)
c. Where is the zeal of the church for witnessing? Are we on fire? What can be done to rekindle the flame for witnessing?

Download Sermon Notes Here Wednesday Bible Study 07102024

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